A trusted place to learn how to successfully publish your book
Whether you're a homecook or a restaurant owner, these 25 cookbook publishers can help you on your quest to share your recipes with the world!
You've written a book, now's the time set it up for success by planning your book launch! Check out our tips and download our free book launch checklist!
Behind every great children's book is a brilliant, creative author — but behind them, propping up the entire operation, is a savvy, well-connected agent! So if you've written an amazing kids' book but you're not sure how to proceed, querying a few children's book agents is a great way to go. Of course, it can be ... read more »
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Learn how to sell ebooks on amazon by making sure your book page is as polished as possible — as well as tips for driving traffic to your Amazon book page!
As a company that specializes in finding editors for new writers, we're here to make the search process less daunting. It’s pretty straightforward, as long as do your homework, clarify your priorities, and clearly communicate your expectations. With that in mind, let’s take a look at how you can find the right editors for your 加速器大全
Publishing a book is a lifelong dream for many people. But just because you have a great idea for a nonfiction book, that doesn’t mean you know how to publish a nonfiction book. Those familiar with the ins and outs of publishing novels will be surprised at the difference in how fiction and nonfiction get 加速器大全
Typography is the art of arranging text in a legible and visually pleasing fashion. It’s not to be confused with typesetting, which describes the technical process of getting text onto a page. From the lettering on a road sign to the flourishes on a Coke bottle, we see typography at work everywhere. Books, of course, ... read more »
If you’re a writer, a dreamer, or anyone with something important to say, chances are you’ve thought about writing and publishing a book. Perhaps during the Coronavirus lockdown, you decided to finally make a start on your first draft. But what's next? Of course, in days past, no one knew how to publish a book 加速器大全
A look at Amazon's KDP platform with a focus on how it revolutionized publishing (and why some authors might choose to avoid it).
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